about st. teresa pastoral center lodwar

St. Teresa pastoral center lodwar is a hotel and accomodation operating under Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, it is located in Lodwar town but hidden in the thick woods or rather forest near Turkwel river the only permanent river in Turkana County. Being one of the oldest hotel and being very successful in organizing events, holding conferences, and family dinners St. Teresa Pastoral Center employs and recruits the best chefs, maids, and other proffessional to run and manage the center. Over the years and recent devolved system of government in Kenya we have experienced tremendous growth in bookings, organizing conferences e.t.c we are dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction.

Contact Details.
Should you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be more than willing to help you.

Phone: (CELL) +254722463433,
Address: St Teresa Pastoral Center Lodwar, Kenya.
E-mail: info@saintteresapastoral.com

about us

about us

contact information

To submit an online enquiry please use our general enquiry form

You need a hotel in Lodwar with natural beauty and cool weather that isn't found in other hotels please contact us via our phone number or via email.

You want to escape from the intense heat that is a norm in Lodwar and strong wind please try our hotel and accomodation.

Telephone enquiries are also welcomed, we are always happy to talk. A conversation with administrator can sometimes provide a quick insight and bookings conclusively . Office hours: Monday-Sunday 0800-2000hr

stteresa lodwar

about us

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!